Cheetahs (Experienced and First-Time Runners)
Tortoises (Walkers)
Kangaroos (Parents Running with their "Joeys" in Strollers)
Wolf Packs (Runners, Walkers with Pets)
Mountain Goats (Hikers)
Rhinos (Road Cyclists)
Grizzly Bears (Mountain Bikers)
Sea Otters (Paddlers)
Polar Bears (Paddle Boarders and Surfers)
Manta (Scuba Divers)
Dolphins (Swimmers)
Gazelles (Inline Skaters)
Sloths (those who cannot or will not be running, peddling, paddling, walking or moving in general on or near Earth Day but would like to support and help protect their fellow species!)
Born to be Wild? Passionate about preserving what is Wild or what remains of our planet’s wilderness?
Make a positive impact this Earth Day and beyond by taking the Earth Activity Relay Challenge (#EarthARC)!
Pick your favorite outdoor activity from the categories listed and go wild to benefit Mother Nature! You also get to choose which awesome environmental organization you want your net registration fees to support.
You can participate Anyway, anytime, anyhow, and anywhere you choose.
Whether you choose to participate in #EarthARC as a Lone Wolf or as part of a larger Green Herd by connecting with others, your registration contribution will help our collective team goal, with proceeds going to your favorite conservation organization.
Keep the Earth Activity Relay Challenge momentum rolling by challenging your family, friends, neighbors, co-workers, students, classmates, fellow worshipers, science lab partners or total random strangers to participate and help us expand the event’s impact towards preserving the wonders of our natural world.
Registrants Choose Between An Awesome T-Shirt or Shower Timer!

Growing the herd is easy! You can help by finding someone to join you in your activity and/or tagging via your favorite social media to challenge them to continue the Earth Activity Relay Challenge. Please make sure to use #EarthARC when sharing your support and make a pledge such as, “I Will Run 5 Miles to save a Tiger #EarthARC” or “I Will Walk 3 Miles for an Elephant #EarthARC” etc. via your favorite social media. Then, mention or tag others to continue the challenge! If you are “off grid” or prefer really “old school” methods, simply use old fashion word of mouth to extend your challenge.
We have many options to spread the word!
1) Facebook through stories/pictures!
2) Instagram: Post a picture with the hashtag #EarthARC
3) Twitter: Tweet your support for Mother Nature using @RaceAgainstXtinction or #EarthARC
4) Snapchat!
If you don’t see your number one reason to be outdoors OR you have a new idea/suggestion, please contact us at [email protected]